Friday, June 5, 2015


我很想当模特,不知为什么,那是我从小学就有的梦想。模特可以穿的美美的,又有人帮你打扮,女生应该都很向往吧!只是我不认识任何从事这方面的人,有不同去哪里找,只能上网找。寄了10 封信申请也只有2 封邮回来,而且是没薪金的,是自愿拍摄。我曾经接到电话,问我有没有兴趣被包养,一个月RM 10k -15k;又有一次接到电话问我有没有兴趣拍摄内衣照,RM 3k 左右... 我想都不想就直接拒绝了,因为不认识人怕被骗。我是真的很像要当模特,就算是平面模特也好;我也很想赚钱,但我不想出卖自己,做自己不舒服,觉得对不起自己的事。如果你们有正经的模特工作介绍 (网拍/走秀),我会很感激你。

i really wanted to be a model. I don't know why but I wanted to become a model since I was still in primary school. Model can wear nice clothes and have people make them become so beautiful! I think every girl dream about it. Sadly, I don't know anyone from this field, and i don't know where to find modelling jobs so I can only try to find it online. I've sent my resume through mail, only 2 out of 10 replied: no pay was given and all are voluntary photoshoot. I answered a call once, someone asked me if I'm interested to be someone else's "mistress", which could earn up to RM10k - 15k per month; I also received a call that asked if I could model for a photoshoot which requires me to wear lingerie only and they will pay me RM3k... I never contemplate about it and rejected immediately, because I'm afraid that I might be conned. I really really wanted to be a model, I wanted to make it as my job as well. But I wouldn't want to betray my own conscious and do something I'm not comfortable with, and I don't want to feel sorry for myself someday.  So if you guys have any modelling jobs (which are not obscene), please recommend it to me, I would be very grateful.

为了实现这个梦想,我不可能在家耗着无所事事,所以也在销售隐形眼镜。我不会随便卖的,是亲身戴了几年的隐形眼镜。我还给验眼师看过我的眼睛,还是非常健康的。虽然很幸苦,因为朋友不多再加上我不会打广告,不是很多人知道我的网站。如果你看到了,就请你支持一下,按个 like 吧:

文,谢谢那人share 了这个,让我又有了斗劲:

I happened to saw these posted by someone on FB while I was hopeless thinking what else can I do, and it gave me courage to keep fighting for my dreams:

Have a great day ahead everyone! May your dreams come true - no matter big or small, lets fight together! :)


  1. don't give up doing what you're passionate at. given the right place, time and people you could make it, have you submitted your profile at casting companies so far?

    1. Thanks for your encouragement. Really appreciate it. I've summitted to websites like Modelbooth but not casting companies as I dont have a proper portfolio yet. I tried some but so far with no reply. :(
      But I will keep trying :)

    2. y don't u try Gary Talents? It's free to create a portfolio with them just walk in...they have lotsa projects as far as i know

    3. Really? I will try that out. Thanks for telling me! :)

  2. Done give up. Yesterday I saw Base model management Kuala Lumpur opening for casting. you can try your luck and look for information in their FB.

    1. You mean walk in to apply? Ok i will look up their website. Thanks! I wont give up.

  3. Model not a easy road to go on, but don't give up and soon you will success! Jiayou ya! Keep your passion ;)

    1. Thank you for encouragement, Jacqueline >< really not easy... so far still havent found or receive any casting or photoshoot. Hope will find one soon.

  4. Dont give up and keep holding on your dream! And yes you are right, gotta becareful and take good care of yourself. Don't fall for traps that looks too good to be true. ;)

    Invest with your EPF NOW!!

    1. Yes, have to be very careful in accepting jobs. I will keep trying. Thanks ya! :)

  5. Don't give up and keep trying! Have you been to those cover girl search?

  6. No. I missed the Muse Girl Search. By the time I found out that, its too late to apply. :'(

  7. Good luck in your model career! Don't give up and ganbatte!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Don't give up your model dream, and always be protective of yourself! I do know some photographers, although it might not help much, but if you got some really good photos, it might help ur future model career as well :)

    1. Thank you Jun Jie. None of my friends are photographers. It would be great if you help me introduce to them. I dont have really good photos yet cause I just started, but hopefully I will get them soon. :)

  10. You can try Andrew Models. It's best to check out model agency's office before sending any photos. Talent agencies will usually have casting calls so it's best to pay them a visit and they will usually take photographs of talents to keep in their files for future consideration

  11. I saw the website before and summited a resume but with no reply. But thanks anyway. I'm thinking of paying a visit to Gary Talents since they are having casting period.
